Harford County Sheriff's Office

With courage, honor, and integrity, we protect the rights of all citizens


News Release

A message of Hope and Thanks from Sheriff Jeffrey R. Gahler

As your Sheriff, I want to share my feelings about racism and discrimination in our world in one word, INEXCUSABLE.  There is no place for this type of behavior in law enforcement and certainly this includes the Harford County Sheriff’s Office.  We will not tolerate these actions in our community.  We stand on our Core Values of serving our community with Courage, Honor, and Integrity.  Our values clearly state that our deputies WILL treat every person with respect and dignity, and in an unbiased manner, protect the constitutional rights of all persons through impartial enforcement of the law.  Anything less will not be tolerated by me.  It is that simple.  You deserve that continued promise from me and everyone in my Office.  I have enforced this premise since my first day in office.  There is no room for anything less.

Over the course of the last week, Harford County has been the site of peaceful assemblies and rallies.  I want to thank members of our community for expressing their thoughts and emotions in a positive and productive way while not losing sight of the tragic death of George Floyd.  Citizens should never be without a voice and the men and women of the Sheriff’s Office and I will always be ready to defend your constitutional rights, without fear of violence.  I continue to be proud of our community, the passion and commitment you have all shown to each other and members of this Agency.

Like any person with a heart who watched the video released of the death of George Floyd, I was deeply concerned by what I saw.  Watching a person lose their life is heartbreaking and emotional.  As an elected Sheriff who believes in law and order, I believe people who commit violent crimes should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and face stiff penalties.  That statement extends to law enforcement officers who commit illegal acts and act outside of their authority.  As I have written to many individuals who have inquired since Mr. Floyd’s death, I have trust is the criminal justice system to ensure a thorough review of all the facts and evidence in the case.  At this point in the ongoing investigation, the officers in the video have been formally charged and evidence is being collected and analyzed and statements are being obtained and evaluated in pursuit of justice.  The Attorney General for the State of Minnesota who is prosecuting the case has stated this process could take months.

At a time when many are feeling contrary, I am optimistic about the future of law enforcement and community relations.  The level of cooperation, sophistication, and professionalism in our County’s public safety arena has never been higher or more inclusive.  It is up to all of us to leave this world a better place tomorrow than it is today, and I believe the conversations and non-violent actions occurring as a result of Mr. Floyd’s tragic death will drive that conversation.

Sheriff Jeffrey R. Gahler

Office of Media and Public Relations